Duration : 50 Hrs          |          Course Fee : Rs.8000          |         Difficulty Level : Beginner     Enroll
Duration : 50 Hrs
Course Fee : Rs.8000
Difficulty : Beginner


Note* : Cost includes lifetime access to Classroom training, Online training, Recordings and Labs.

# Topics Discussed
1 What is Linux?
2 Everyday use of Linux
3 Unix vs. Linux
4 Linux Distributions
5 Different way to install Linux
6 Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS)
7 Redhat Linux installation (Optional)
8 Linux Desktop (GUI)
9 Virtual Machine Management
10 Linux vs. Windows
11 Who Uses Linux?
12 Accessing Linux system
13 Download and install Putty
14 New Network Commands (ifconfig and ip)
15 Connect Linux VM via Putty
16 Important Things to Remember in Linux
17 Introduction to File System
18 File system structure description
19 File system navigation commands
20 File System Paths
21 Directory listing overview
22 Creating Files and Directories
23 Linux File Types
24 Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)
25 Difference between find and locate command
26 Changing Password
27 Wildcard (*, $, ^)
28 Soft and Hard Links (ln)
29 How to open image file through GUI
30 Commands Syntax
31 File Permissions (chmod)
32 File Ownership (chown, chgrp)
33 Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)
34 Adding text to file
35 Standard output to a file (tee command)
36 Pipes ( | )
37 File Maintenance Commands
38 File Display Commands
39 Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)
40 Compare Files (diff, cmp)
41 Compress and un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip)
42 Truncate file size (truncate)
43 Combining and Splitting Files (cat and split)
44 Linux File Editors (vi text editor)
45 “sed” command
46 User account management
47 Switch users and Sudo access
48 Monitor users
49 Talking to users (users, wall, write)
50 Linux Directory Service - Account Authentication
51 System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)
52 Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)
53 System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)
54 OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)
55 System logs monitor (/var/log)
56 Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)
57 Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)
58 System Architecture (arch)
59 Terminal control keys
60 Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script)
61 Recover root Password (single user mode)
62 Environment variables
63 Linux Kernel
64 Aliases
65 Command history
66 Network Components
67 Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)
68 NIC Information (ethtool)
69 NIC or port bonding
70 Download files with URLs (wget)
71 curl and ping commands
72 File transfer commands (ftp, scp etc.)
73 System updates and repositories (rpm and yum)
74 System Upgrade/Patch Management
75 Create Local Repository from CD/DVD
76 Advance Package Management
77 Rollback Patches and Updates
78 SSH and Telnet
79 DNS
80 Hostname and IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)
81 NTP
82 chronyd
83 Sendmail
84 Apache Web Server (http)
85 Central Logger (rsyslogd)
86 Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)
87 OpenLDAP Installation
88 System run levels
89 Linux Boot Process
90 Storage
91 Disk partition (df, fdisk, etc.)
92 Add Disk and Create Standard Partition
93 Logical Volume Management (LVM)
94 LVM Configuration during Installation
95 Add Disk and Create LVM Partition
96 Extend disk using LVM
97 Adding swap space
99 File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair)
100 System Backup (dd Command)
101 Network File System (NFS)

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